What software for Live Coding? Live Coding Live Coding can affect various aspects of digital production, but here I will mainly music. Regardless of the languages \u200b\u200bcreated directly by the coder, I will mention only a few software environments, operating an arbitrary and selective at the expense of completeness. Resources are many and varied.
Those of which I will write languages \u200b\u200band environments are free and open source, for the simple reason that the algorithms are expressions of thought, so they must be made freely freely and must be compiled and executed.
Among the languages \u200b\u200bto be mentioned GUI
Pure Data, developed by Miller Puckette in 1996. This is a graphical programming environment that allows real-time to produce and process audio, video and graphics.
Pure Data (Pd) was developed to be multi-platform packages for GNU / Linux, Windows, MacOSX and sources can be freely downloaded here
is currently maintained by the same Puckette (
http://crca.ucsd.edu/ ~ msp / ) and a host of collaborators from around the world who have contributed to the extended version , which includes several libraries that extend the possibilities of language. Among these cyto
Gem, which lets you create graphics within Pd.
I will not dwell further on this software, the resources available online, also in Italian, are numerous and complete, so have fun!
SuperCollider by the merits of the languages \u200b\u200bthat include writing code without the aid of a graphical interface.
From the site:
SuperCollider is an environment and programming language for real time audio synthesis and algorithmic composition. It Provides an object-oriented interpreted language Which functions as a network client to a state of the art, realtime sound synthesis server .
SuperCollider (SC) is an interpreted programming language
, which acts as a client (SClang) of a server (SCserv) real-time audio synthesis. It 'was written by James McCartney, who released it in 1996.
Write code apparently is more complex than
fiddle with the graphics, but the proper apprenticeship after you master the techniques of audio programming and to demonstrate its superior expressiveness
than the graphical languages.
SuperCollider is a powerful and expressive language, and unfortunately the resources are not available online numerorissime. The few that we found are in English, except for the site
Andrea Valle that besides being a coder SC, wrote the only book in Italian on the subject, to which I refer interested parties.
Obviously SC is a free, downloadable
here, in versions for GNU / Linux, Windows and MacOSX.
With the next post I will start writing about Chuck
, another textual language for audio. Besides a general overview write some tutorials, given the total lack Italian resources in the network.
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