Following the general index of
Inventing Sound , with the parties in incomplete evidence. I wish it were an open project and subject to completion by anyone. E 'will also be a section dedicated to MIDI and a section on specific accomplishments.
Who would collaborate in the drafting of this text with your own contributions can contact me here on the blog, or write to
Who would collaborate in the drafting of this text with your own contributions can contact me here on the blog, or write to
The Environment
1. Fundamentals
2. Overview of the environment
II Data
3. Terms of programming with Pure Data
4. Vectors, graphs and tables
5. Advanced Programming
6. GUI objects
7. List of objects to manipulate data [missing ]
III Audio
8. The digital audio
9. The Panning
10. Additive synthesis, synthesis and summary tabular vector [ missing ]
11. Subtractive
12. Ring modulation (RM), tremolo, Amplitude Modulation (AM)
13. Vibrato and Frequency Modulation (FM) [incomplete ]
14. Summary for distortion Lineal (DNL) [ missing ]
15. Introduction to granular synthesis [ missing ]
16. Other applications of Pure Data [ missing ]
the link for downloading Inventing Sound is this .