between tonight and tomorrow morning will check 'the peak of the Perseid hourly. If you miss it there will be more showers during the year, or it can review in a year. The Perseids are the "shooting stars" in this period can be observed in many more 'big, because' e 'in this time of year the Earth passes through the area of \u200b\u200bits orbit around the Sun in which they are fragments of a comet, which, in contact with the atmosphere, producing the well-known phenomenon. The Perseids
name stems from the fact that the trajectories of several shooting stars all appear to come from the same point in the sky. At that point is the constellation Perseus.
Clearly, the constellation has nothing to do with shooting stars, since 'the stars that compose it are far more' distant of falling stars, which in reality 'are very close to us. As just one example, the star 'light of Perseus, Mirphak ( α Persei), and' to about 592 light years away, the most 'close, Algol, and ' to the 93, the most 'distant , Menkib in 1772 to. To get an idea, 592 light years are 5'600'793'600'000'000 km (more 'than 5 trillion: that's why you do not hardly ever use the Km in astronomy).
The phenomenon of falling stars instead occurs in a band that is around the hundred miles away from the ground, where the atmosphere and 'extremely thin compared to the level of the soil, but thick enough to burn, friction, a mote of matter (which may 'have such a weight of the order of 1 gram) that impacts at speeds of' order of 60 km / s (say more than 200,000 mph).
I observed the sky from a local 'mountain Saturday, August 9 and I've seen some that actually belonged to the Perseids, while other sources because they had a couple' their direction was almost 'perpendicular to that of the Perseids, and also the direction of an era opposite to that of the other.
The hourly rate of the phenomena and 'variable and on average is around 100. As with all astronomical observations and 'required patience, perseverance and some trick such as the choice of a place' is not polluted by light and fresh air, and let the eyes become accustomed to darkness'.
For me the evening and 'was an opportunity to make a few observations with telescope and enjoy the splendor of the constellations, stars (including Albireo, a beautiful double star), Moon, and that 'and then vanished, leaving the sky dark, even the Milky Way and Andromeda, visible, albeit with some difficulty', to the naked eye, given the clarity of the sky are rare cases where a "plain citizen 'can happen to see Andromeda with the naked eye because, as big, and' to about 2,500,000 years light away.
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