Save LPG / petrol price petrol LPG and 'a fuel a little' more 'environmentally friendly gasoline. Pero 'always comes from petroleum, so I wonder what really is environmentally friendly. Anyway, carbon dioxide (which in the atmosphere increases the greenhouse effect) it produces as well.
Thinking about the GPL, however, who buys the car focuses especially on the problem of number plate or block traffic, and saving. In fact, for blocking traffic seems to me that in general the GPL can move the same, but the savings I think the hope of saving both above reality '. So 'I thought before doing an actual test, and so' and indeed '. Here's the comparison on the cost calculated solely on the fuel mileage for three different means of transport. All data are real and are not based on the usual "estimates" which then should be verified in the field. Data are collected by me patiently, to clarify things.
Rover 400 1400 DC (16V)
EURO 1 101 HP Gasoline
10 years and 2 months of age 'in October 1998 from 137,500 km
13.24 km / l € 0.083 / km Citroen C3 1400 cc (8V)
75 hp (54 kW)
petrol / LPG
1 year and 4 months of age ' August 2007 from 17,100 km
10.96 km / l € 0.069 / km Beverly (scooter) 198 cc 21 hp petrol
five years and two months from October 2003 44,000 Km
28.28 km / l € 0.044 / km As you can see the overall consumption of C3, although more 'small, EURO 4 and less powerful, and' only 17% lower that of Rover 400. When calculating the enter both LPG than gasoline, but unfortunately the car to LPG also consume gasoline. I would say that winter will consume too much, 'cause the cold after operation, employing more' time to switch to LPG power. The ratio between the two fuels and 'in December 2008 of 1343 against 260 liters of LPG fuel, which means that 19.4% of fuel consumed and' gasoline. To me it seems a bit 'too much. The machine '"green" only for 4 / 5 of the total. Wanting to make the costs comparable
let's say you bought all the fuel at current prices (which also decreased due to the so-called "crisis"):
Rover 400 : 11660 euro/137510 Km = 0.0848
€ / Km
Citroen C3: 1224 euro/17100Km = 0.0716
€ / Km
Beverly : 1749 euro/44016 Km = 0.0397
€ / Km
Assuming a hypothetical distance of 200,000 total vehicle miles, costs would be € 16,960 for Rover, 14,320 for the C3, 7940 for the scooter. That is, a savings of 16% for C3 and 53% for the scooter, compared to the Rover. In monetary terms about 200,000 km with the C3 you save € 2640 and € 9020 with a scooter (although of course with the scooter will not get to do all that way). Just to give concrete expression to the calculation, if a truck takes 10 years to do 200,000 miles, saving and '
of € 264 per year for the C3 and € 900 per year for the scooter. Keep in mind that
always speak of a C3 against a Rover 400, that 'a car of nearly one meter longer than' short and the spare wheel compartment occupied by the LPG tank.
And bear in mind that distributors of LPG in general should try to strut. And I 'happened once to a hundred kilometers on petrol' cause I could not find distributors in the GPL open (it was Sunday and there are no self-service for LPG).
The 1224 C3 are composed of € 933 € (1343 to the GPL) added up to 290 € (260 liters of gasoline). Fuel prices used are € 1.117 per liter for gasoline and € 0.695 per liter for LPG.
appear on a chart so ':
If we then compare the total cost of operating the gap is reduced proportionately even more '. Pero 'C3 and the' too young to take stock, so less the chance of a total purchase price of the vehicle, assuming that it can make sense.
Rover 400 : € 23,208 or € 0.1688
/ Km Citroen C3: 2831 €, overo
€ 0.1656 / km Beverly : 4990 € or
0, € 1,134 / km To get an idea, the total cost of the Rover, after 10 years, and '
37'788 € , that'
€ 0.2748 / km .
Enough otherwise exaggerating. And these accounts a little disheartened ...