Friday, March 13, 2009

What Cancels Out Black Circles Nw Or Nc

Here is a brief summary for those who want to get a general idea of \u200b\u200bthis problem. Or for those who want to get some ideas for a school.

The atmosphere 'un'involucro gas that surrounds our planet. It 's very thin compared to the size of the Earth: the most' consistent and it 'thicker than a few tens of kilometers and it' consists of five main layers: troposphere, stratosphere, mesosphere, ionosphere, exosphere. The troposphere and 'the top layer' below, while above it is the stratosphere. While the troposphere and 'maximum thickness of about 20 km to reach the stratosphere about 50 km and is' in turn composed of several layers. A layer in detail and 'made up of ozone.

Ozone 'a gas whose molecules consist of three oxygen atoms. It 's a very reactive gas and then and' poisonous to living things. However, and 'essential to life on Earth, and when' can absorb ultraviolet radiation of UV-B type from the Sun

The ozone layer can 'be destroyed by certain gases used by man: Chlorofluorocarbons, or CFCs.

CFCs are used as refrigerants for refrigerators and air conditioners, as propellants in aerosol and to produce foam. They are also emitted by flights of supersonic aircraft.

To try to remedy, the use of CFCs and 'was almost completely abolished. These gases, however, 'remains in the atmosphere for long, even for centuries.

is, however, those who claim that CFCs are not responsible for the problem.

The ozone hole and 'temporary reduction of the ozone layer (also known as the ozone layer) that occurs periodically during the spring in polar regions. With the "ozone hole" is also generally indicates the reduction of the ozone layer that has' seen since the 80's.

As already 'mentioned, ozone acts as a filter for ultraviolet radiation: it almost completely blocks the transmission the layers' lower atmosphere. Ultraviolet rays can cause damage to the skin (melanoma) and eye (cataract), and may reduce the ability 'of photosynthesis in plants, producing, as a consequence, a decrease in quantity' of crops. Radiation can also destroy part of the phytoplankton, a group of organisms in the plankton on the surface of the sea: it is' important because it is' at the base of the food chain for many ecosystems and aquatic and 'able to produce organic substances in from inorganic substances dissolved.


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